Wir über uns

Die Deutsch-Maltesische Gesellschaft (DMG) wurde im Juni 1991 mit der Zielsetzung gegründet, die freundschaftlichen Verbindungen zwischen Malta und Deutschland zu intensivieren und eine enge Zusammenarbeit beider Länder aktiv zu fördern. Sitz der Gesellschaft ist Adenau.

Schwerpunkte unserer Aufgaben:

  • der Jugend den Weg zu- und miteinander zu erleichtern,

  • die kulturellen, gesellschaftlichen und sozialen Beziehungen beider Länder auszubauen,

  • europäische Aktivitäten im Interesse eines demokratischen und freien Europas unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutsch-maltesischen Freundschaft zu unterstützen.

 Beispiele unserer Aktivitäten:

  • Förderung von Jugendarbeit und -austausch einschließlich Studienfahrten deutscher Schulklassen nach Malta,

  • Unterstützung bei der Anbahnung von Städte- und Schulpartnerschaften,

  • Organisation von Ausstellungen maltesischer Künstler in Deutschland.


Eine enge Zusammenarbeit erfolgt insbesondere mit folgenden Institutionen:

M a l t a  -  P u b l i k a t i o n e n    d e r   D M G - M i t g l i e d e r :


Aschemeier, Rainer*

Auf Tour Malta & Gozo

Friggieri, Albert *

The Bulwark of Europe. Hieronymus Megiser’s ‘Propugnaculum Europae’. The first comprehensive German description of 16th century Malta

Friggieri, Albert

2005: ‘Maltesisch: Barnuża Ħamra’ in Rotkäppchen – europäisch – polyglott, 20 neue Übersetzungen des Märchens in den 20 Amtssprachen der EU im Jahre 2004

Jablinski, Anke

Zufluchtsort Malta

Jablinski, Anke

Mein Malta – gestern und heute

Jablinski, Anke Malta-Nudel - Zwölf einfache Gerichte
Jablinski, Anke Secret
Jablinski, Anke Malteros

Juncker, Wolfgang

Die Malteserstadt Heitersheim in  alten Postkarten

Juncker, Wolfgang

In Kriegsgefangenschaft auf Malta 1914 - 1919 Seeleute des Kreuzers "EMDEN"

Kaub, Cordula

Mythos Malta – Ein Reiseführer der besonderen Art

Kidder, Ingrid *

The Sacra Infermeria Hospital of the Order of Malta at La Valletta: Two Legal Sources

Launer, Bettina und Christian

Abseits – Muxrabija-Fenster, Fougasse, Giren und weitere unbekannte Besonderheiten auf Malta

Losse, Michael

Die Kreuzritter von Rhodos - Bevor die Johanniter Malteser wurden

Markert, Joy Malta - Reisen eines Ahnungslosen in die Steinzeit
Markert, Joy Malet; Literatur aus Malta
Markert, Joy Das kalte Herz - Die schöne Lau
Zammit, John Malta - Eine Reise ins Glück

  * mit Co-Autor

A U F S Ä T Z E     U N D     Ü B E R R E G I O N A L E      P U B L I K A T I O N E N

Aschemeier, Rainer

Inwertsetzung regionaler Produkte am Beispiel des EU-Mitgliedsstaats Malta

Aschemeier, Rainer

Die Landwirtschaft Maltas an der Schwelle zum EU-Beitritt

Aschemeier, Rainer

Malta – Neuling in der EU

Aschemeier, Rainer

Fragile Inselwelten

von Dellingshausen, Friedolph

Die Herrschaft des Johanniterordens auf Malta 1530 - 1798

von Dellingshausen, Friedolph

Malteser und Johanniter Über 900 Jahre Gemeinsames und Trennendes

von Dellingshausen, Friedolph Das Ende der Herrschaft des Johanniter-Malteserordens auf Malta am 12. Juni 1798, vor 225 Jahren

Friggieri, Albert *

1979: Vorwort zu Der Laternenanzünder. Gedichtsammlung des früheren Staatspräsidenten Maltas Anton Buttigieg, aus dem Maltesischen übersetzt von Barbara Erdmann-von Nettelhorst in Zusammenarbeit mit Albert Friggieri, hrsg. von Professor F.H. Sobotka

Friggieri, Albert *

1974: Die Messbarkeit der Sprachlerneignung bei einer sprachlich heterogenen Lernergruppe, Aspekte des Fremdsprachenerwerbs. Beiträge zum 2. Fortbildungskurs „Deutsch als Fremdsprache“

Friggieri, Albert

1979: ‘A Comprehensive Research Project about Malta in West Germany’, The Sunday Times (of Malta), 16 December 1979

Friggieri, Albert

1987: ‘Propugnaculum Europae (The Bulwark of Europe)’, The Sunday Times (of Malta), 20 December 1987

Friggieri, Albert

1988: ‘Gainfully occupied Women in Malta.  A study by a German sociologist published in Augsburg’, The Sunday Times (of Malta), 21 August 1988

Friggieri, Albert

1994: ‘The Professor who loved Malta. Albert Friggieri pays tribute to Professor Horst Reimann of the University of Augsburg who died recently’, The Sunday Times (of Malta), 13 Nov. 1994

Friggieri, Albert

1995: Schiller’s “Die Maltheser” (Essay) and Translation into English of Friedrich Schiller’s Preface to Niethammer’s History of the Order according to Vertot – Jena 1792, The Maltese Cross

Friggieri, Albert

1995: Translation into English of Friedrich Schiller’s dramatic fragment “Die Maltheser” (The Knights of Malta), The Maltese Cross, ed. Toni Cortis

Friggieri, Albert

1997: ‘Maltese without Tears. Kim Ohk’s “Maltesisch Wort für Wort”’, The Sunday Times (of Malta), 21 December 1997

Friggieri, Albert

1997: ‘Christian August Vulpius: The Knight of Malta (‘Der Malteser’).  A romantic bestseller by Goethe’s brother-in-law’, The Sunday Times (of Malta), 24 August 1997

Friggieri, Albert *

2001: ‘A German 16th century description of Malta in Verse. Duke Ludwig I of Anhalt-Koethen’s account of his seven-week stay in Malta 1598-1599’, The Sunday Times (of Malta), 14 Oct. 2001

Friggieri, Albert

2002: ‘From an “African Island” to “The Epitome of Europe”. Thomas Freller’s latest colossal publication on Malta’, The Sunday Times (of Malta), 6 January 2002

Friggieri, Albert

2003: ‘Local Environment: German potential investment threatened?’ The Sunday Times (of Malta), 27 July 2003

Friggieri, Albert

2006: ‘A “Bridge” between Maltese and German: Review of Manfred Moser’s Dizzjunarju kbir - Großes Wörterbuch (Maltese-German/German-Maltese Dictionary)’, The Sunday Times (of Malta), 29 January 2006

Friggieri, Albert

2008: ‘Malta through the eyes of Friedrich Maximilian Hessemer (1829)’, Treasures of Malta, Vol 14, Issue 2

Friggieri, Albert

2013: Introduction to Arnold Cassola’s The German Memoirs of a Maltese Intellectual – Giovan Francesco Buonamico (1639 – 1680)

Losse, Michael

Burgen, Schlösser und Adelssitze in Malta. Burgen, Stadtbefestigungen und Burgenrezeption

Losse, Michael

Wacht- und Wohntürme aus der Zeit des Johanniter-Ordens (1307-1522) auf der Ägäis-Insel Rhódos (Griechenland)

Losse, Michael

Die Küsten-Forts und – Wachttürme des Johanniter-/Malteser-Ordens in Malta im 17. Jahrhundert – Wehrbauten oder außenpolitische Bedeutungsträger?

Losse, Michael

The development of Bastion in the Knights Hospitallers' Monastic State in the Dodecanese, Aegean Sea (15th and 16th centuries) – some new aspects

Losse, Michael

Der Bau von Valletta. Das Ende des Mittelalters in Malta

Losse, Michael

Burgen und Festungen der Johanniter auf Rhodos und in der Ägäis

Losse, Michael

Landsitze, Schlösser und Paläste in Malta – ein Überblick (Teil 1) und (Teil 2) in Burgen und Schlösser, Zeitschrift für Burgenforschung und Denkmalpflege

Losse, Michael

Wehrbauten und -elemente des 17. Jahrhunderts als Bedeutungsträger, Motiv und Topos – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Küstenforts und Landschlösser in Malta. (Erscheint 2020)

Markert, Joy

Shreds and Snips (Schnipsel), Poem (englisch) Übersetzung ins Maltesische: Francis Ebejer The Times

 * mit Co-Autor

S O N S T I G E     M E D I E N

Friggieri, Albert   

Malta in the Work of Friedrich Schiller. A lecture recorded and transmitted on Malta University radio Campus FM 103.7

Markert, Joy

Malta - Das kleine Verschwinden, Hörspiel, WDR/SFB

Markert, Joy

Die Katzen von Malta, Radioerzählung für Kinder, SFB/NDR/WDR

Markert, Joy Die Malteser Bescherung



"Deutsch-Maltesische Gesellschaft“, the Maltese-German Association in Germany


"Through events organized by both, the German-Maltese Circle in Malta and the German-Maltese Association here in Germany, people of both countries get to know each other to promote friendship between them."

These are the words of the former Maltese President H. E. Dr George Abela during his visit to Germany at the state banquet on March 11, 2014. 

 And H. E. Marie-Louise Coleiro-Preca, the following President of Malta, mentioned the DMG in her speech on the German national holiday in Malta:

“It is noteworthy to also mention and praise the good work that is carried out by the German-Maltese Association based in Adenau and the Malta Centre at the University of Bremen.”

 There is only one Maltese-German Association in Germany.

 The “Deutsch-Maltesische Gesellschaft” (Maltese-German Association) in Germany is the partner organization of the German Maltese Circle in Malta. It was set up at following contacts between Dr. Albert Friggieri and the former Mayor of the town of Adenau, Bernd Schiffarth. In 1991 the DMG was founded to promote Maltese-German relations and to strengthen the friendship between the two countries through cultural and social activities.

 The DMG is a voluntary organization, non-political and non-denominational.

 H. E. Ambassador Dr. Albert Friggieri congratulated the DMG on the occasion of its 25th anniversary.

The aims of the DMG

Promotion of youth work and exchanges

Schools are supported by information about Malta and by part-financing of school trips to Malta.

In recent years, the DMG has also supported Maltese medical students who spent a month of medical training in German hospitals.

The DMG supported the Maltese Victory Kitchen with a large sum of money during the Corona period.

Exhibitions and Cultural Events

A number of Maltese artists have presented their work in Germany with the support of the DMG. On show were for example paintings by Ruth Bianco, Godwin Cutajar, George Farrugia, Stephen Grima, Adrian Camilleri, Anthony Caruana, Joseph Casapinta and sculptures by Charles Sammut, Sina Farrugia and Joe Xuereb.

DMG-members found their way to Frankfurt and Cologne in order to attend performances of the Maltese Tenor Joseph Calleja.

During the annual Europe Day in May in Bonn and at local festivals in Adenau and other places the DMG advertises Malta.

On the occasion of 'Malta EU Council Presidency 2017', the DMG organized “Malta-Days” in Cologne and Adenau.

For 'Valletta – European Cultural Capital 2018’, the DMG organized lectures about Valletta held by Historian Dr. Dieter Bangert and Dr. Michael Losse with the young Maltese artist Emma Cutajar, accompanied by her father.

Also, in 2018 the DMG supported the dance-performance “It’s Schiller”, shown at Teatru Salesian in Sliema.

The St Paul Choral Society´s tour to Germany, France and Luxembourg in 2019 was co-sponsored by the DMG.  

Member trips are organized annually – usually to places with a relationship to Malta.

In 2011 there was one-week trip to Malta with special sightseeing and an invitation to the residence of the German Ambassador H. E. Bernd Braun in Lija. In 2013 DMG members travelled to Bremen in the North of Germany, including a visit to the Malta Centre at Bremen University with a lesson by Professor Dr. Thomas Stolz about the Maltese language.

In 2014 the destination of our membership tour was Potsdam. This trip included a friendly invitation by the Maltese Ambassador H. E. Dr. Albert Friggieri and his wife, Ms. Catherine Friggieri-Bertucat to their residence in Berlin-Zehlendorf.

Other destinations have been Vienna and a meeting with 'Malta-Friends of Austria' for example or Leipzig and Utrecht.

The annual journeys offer members plenty of opportunity to get to know each other and share their experiences.

Information for Members and the German public

The DMG frequently answers to questions about sightseeing in Malta, travel arrangements for groups and individuals, translation of the Maltese language etc..

These activities, important events or latest developments in Malta are being published in the association’s Newsletter (in paper and by e-mail) which appears quarterly.

The newsletter is a platform for the presentation of the DMG-work and thus for the members a valuable source of information.

In addition, the DMG provides up-to-date information for its members about current events and - especially in these Corona times - about travelling from and to Malta.

DMG-members present a cross-section of the German population including pensioners and students who all share the love for Malta. The Maltese Ambassadors and all honorary consuls for Malta in Germany are also members of the DMG.

Currently the Association's membership stands at 165 people.

The membership fee is 21, - € p.a. (single-membership).